9 Augustus Terrace, Parnell
Commercial Office


The property is located along the southern alignment of Augustus Terrace approximately 180 metres north-east of its juncture with Parnell Rise, in the central Auckland suburb of Parnell. Parnell Rise is a main distributor road which effectively links downtown Auckland with Newmarket. Auckland’s CBD lies within close proximity to the subject approximately 1.5 kilometres to the north.

The land comprises a rectangular shaped parcel containing a total area of approximately 2,013 sq m. The site occupies an entire block, bounded by Fox Street, Eglon Street, Marston Street and Augustus Terrace for which it is identified as being located.

Improvements offer a recently refurbished freestanding building appearing to have been constructed in the late 1960’s with an extensive refurbishment and upgrade completed in 2008.

Office accommodation is provided over three levels with Jasmax Architects occupying the upper two levels. Basement carparking is also provided for 73 cars with the use of car stackers. The building is occupied by Jasmax.

 Mixed Use Zone - Auckland Council Operative District Plan 1999 - Isthmus Section.