FOR SALE - $4,500,000 PLUS GST
7 Domain Road, Panmure
Commercial Office
A two level commercial building dating from the 1980s, located in close proximity to the Panmure retail and business precinct. Improvements offer office accommodation. Basement car parking has been converted to storage, with additional open and undercroft parking for 17 vehicles.
The property offers a 1,012 square metre land holding, being located to the northern side of Domain Road, in the established suburb of Panmure. The site is approximately 13 kilometres from Auckland’s CBD and benefits from being within close proximity to main arterial routes, with the closest being Lagoon Drive which connects Panmure to Pakuranga towards the south east and Mount Wellington towards the west.
Surrounding public amenities include the Panmure Domain, Sylvia Park Shopping Centre, and the Pakuranga Plaza. Surrounding development includes a mixture of high density residential and commercial properties, with the adjacent property to the south west boundary comprising undeveloped land.
Business - Town Centre Zone. The zone provides for a wide range of activities including commercial, leisure,residential, tourist, cultural, community and civic services, providing a focus for commercial activities and growth. Most centres are identified for growth and intensification. Expansion of these centres may be appropriate depending on strategic and local environmental considerations. There is a range of possible building heights depending on the context. Provisions typically enable buildings of between four and eight storeys, although there may be special circumstances where other building heights are appropriate. The height opportunities within the centres will facilitate increased intensification, including office and residential activities at upper floors.